Paralegal Association                            of Northern Virginia

The Northern Virginia Connection for Professional Paralegals

Upcoming events

    • 04/23/2025
    • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Virtual

    The April monthly meeting will be held virtually. Please join us via Zoom

    If your office is available to host a monthly meeting, either after work or on a Saturday morning, please do not hesitate to email us at to work out the details.  As always, if you are not able to attend a meeting in person, you may participate via conference call or zoom (if available).

    • 05/22/2025
    • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Virtual

    The May monthly meeting will be held virtually. Please join us via Zoom

    If your office is available to host a monthly meeting, either after work or on a Saturday morning, please do not hesitate to email us at to work out the details.  As always, if you are not able to attend a meeting in person, you may participate via conference call or zoom (if available).

    • 09/18/2025
    • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Virtual
    Registration is closed

    The September monthly meeting will be held virtually. Please join us via Zoom

    If your office is available to host a monthly meeting, either after work or on a Saturday morning, please do not hesitate to email us at to work out the details.  As always, if you are not able to attend a meeting in person, you may participate via conference call or zoom (if available).

    • 10/04/2025
    • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
    • Burke Lake, 7315 OX RD, FAIRFAX STATION, VA, 22039
    Jaunt for Justice 5K
    Roanoke Valley Paralegal Association (RVPA) and Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley (LASRV) are coming together to host the fifth annual Jaunt for Justice 5K.  We invite both runners and walkers to register to participate in our annual 5K at the Roanoke River Greenway at River's Edge Sports Complex - North in Roanoke, Virginia!

    Join the PANV virtual team and support this cause! Either run virtually from your chosen location or with the PANV group.

    Registration is $27 and increases to $30 July, 18th.
    • 11/20/2025
    • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Virtual
    Registration is closed

    The November monthly meeting will be held virtually. Please join us via Zoom.

    If your office is available to host a monthly meeting, either after work or on a Saturday morning, please do not hesitate to email us at to work out the details.  As always, if you are not able to attend a meeting in person, you may participate via conference call or zoom (if available).

Past events

03/20/2025 March Monthly PANV Meeting
03/12/2025 VAPA Virtual Lunch & Learn: MARITIME LAW
02/20/2025 February Monthly PANV Meeting
02/11/2025 February Virtual Lunch & Learn
01/16/2025 January Monthly PANV Meeting
01/04/2025 New Year's Brunch with PANV
12/10/2024 PANV Holiday Social
12/05/2024 Special PANV 2025 Calendar Meeting
11/20/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
10/16/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
09/26/2024 NFPA Annual Convention September 26-29, 2024
09/18/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
05/08/2024 PANV May Monthly Meeting
04/26/2024 VTLA Advanced Paralegal Retreat
04/24/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
04/16/2024 NFPA Fully Virtual Joint Conference April 16-18, 2024
03/27/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
02/28/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
01/31/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
01/13/2024 VAPA Delegates Meeting
12/07/2023 PANV Holiday Social
12/06/2023 Winter Brown Bag CLE
11/15/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
11/04/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
10/05/2023 NFPA Annual Convention October 5-8, 2023
10/04/2023 Meet and Greet
09/27/2023 PANV September Monthly Meeting
09/06/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
08/12/2023 Annual Crab Feast
07/12/2023 Lunch & Learn Webinar: The Rise of AI in the Legal Profession: Lawyers and Paralegals Brace for Impact
06/10/2023 VAPA Delegates Meeting
06/07/2023 PANV Annual Meeting
05/06/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
04/28/2023 VTLA Advanced Family Law Paralegal Retreat: Making Order Out of Chaos
04/15/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
03/31/2023 NFPA Joint Conference (Virtual)
03/11/2023 VAPA Delegates Meeting
03/08/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
02/08/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
01/07/2023 PANV Member Meeting
11/15/2022 PANV November Meeting
11/02/2022 VTLA Annual Paralegal Seminar
10/12/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
10/01/2022 7th PANV Half-Day (Saturday) CLE
09/15/2022 NFPA Annual Convention
09/10/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
08/13/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting and Crab Feast
07/27/2022 CRASE - Active Shooter Presentation
06/25/2022 VAPA Board Meeting (conference planning)
06/11/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting (Annual Meeting) (Virtual)
06/08/2022 Member-Guest Meet and Greet!
05/14/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
04/30/2022 NFPA Region IV Spring Meeting (Host: MAP)
04/29/2022 VTLA Advanced Paralegal Retreat
04/13/2022 PANV's Fifth Lunch and Learn CLE
04/09/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
03/05/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
02/16/2022 PANV's Fourth Lunch and Learn CLE
02/05/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
01/08/2022 Monthly PANV Member Meeting
12/11/2021 Monthly PANV Meeting - Cancelled
11/13/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
10/14/2021 PANV's Third Lunch and Learn CLE
10/07/2021 NFPA Annual Convention
10/04/2021 Paralegals’ Week in Virginia
09/18/2021 VAPA Annual Meeting/Elections
09/09/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
08/20/2021 VTLA Advanced Paralegal Retreat
08/18/2021 PANV's Second Lunch and Learn CLE
08/14/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting and Crab Feast
06/26/2021 VAPA Board of Delegates Quarterly Meeting
06/11/2021 NFPA Joint Conference (Virtual)
06/10/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting (Annual Meeting)
06/02/2021 PANV First Lunch and Learn CLE
05/15/2021 Monthly PANV Meeting
04/24/2021 NFPA REGION IV Spring Meeting
04/10/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
03/20/2021 NFPA Non-Annual Policy Meeting
03/20/2021 VAPA BOD Meeting (Virtual)
03/13/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
02/20/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
01/09/2021 Monthly PANV Meeting
12/12/2020 Monthly PANV Meeting
11/14/2020 Monthly PANV Meeting
10/22/2020 VIRTUAL - NFPA 2020 Annual Convention - for details and registration.
10/17/2020 PANV Annual Meeting
10/05/2020 VAPA 2020 Biennial Conference going Virtual!!!
09/30/2020 Professional Development Virtual Happy Hour
09/12/2020 UPDATE: Monthly PANV Meeting
08/20/2020 Board Only Meeting
08/08/2020 UPDATE: Monthly PANV Annual Board Meeting
06/17/2020 "Virtual" VADER Presentation for Advanced Users
06/13/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting via Video Conferencing
05/16/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting via Video Conferencing
04/25/2020 CANCELED - 7th PANV Saturday CLE
04/04/2020 CANCELLED - APRIL Monthly PANV Board Meeting
04/03/2020 TIMELY FREE WEBINAR: REMOTE DEPOSITIONS offered by Planet Depos
03/14/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
02/08/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
01/11/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
12/07/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
11/09/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
10/10/2019 NFPA 2019 Annual Convention and Policy Meeting Hosted by the Paralegal Association of Rochester, Inc.
10/05/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
09/28/2019 VAPA Annual Meeting (elections)
09/21/2019 6th PANV Fall CLE (NFPA APPROVED 4 HOURS)
08/03/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting and Crab Feast
06/20/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting (Annual Meeting)
05/14/2019 Annual VADER Presentation
05/11/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting - CHANGE OF TIME AND LOCATION
04/13/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
03/09/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
02/09/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
01/12/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
12/01/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
11/03/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
10/25/2018 NFPA 2018 Annual Convention
10/13/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
10/05/2018 VAPA 2018 Biennial Conference/Paralegals' Week Reception
09/08/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
08/04/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting and Crab Feast
06/06/2018 PANV Annual Meeting
05/16/2018 NEW DATE AND TIME: Monthly PANV Board Meeting
04/27/2018 PANV Paralegal Certification Scholarship Deadline EXTENDED TO COB MAY 4!
04/24/2018 2018 VADER Presentation
04/14/2018 NFPA Region IV Spring Meeting
04/07/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
03/21/2018 Career Day at South Lakes High School
03/03/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
02/03/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
01/13/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting-New location and time!
12/05/2017 Holiday Member Social
09/16/2017 5th Annual PANV Fall CLE
08/05/2017 Members Only Summer Social & Crab Feast
07/08/2017 PANV Board Meeting
05/10/2017 VADER 2014.3

Copyright February 2017
Paralegal Association of Northern Virginia, P.O. Box 3112, Fairfax, VA 22038

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